What things did you wish you’d known before you started running?
We asked this question this week on social media, and we received some brilliant responses; I really thought people would talk about buying the right Garmin/Apple Watch or don’t waste your money on running socks or fancy branded clothing. There were a couple of responses about kit, but most responses were psychological! What did you wish you’d known? Here are just a handful of comments -
How much better it would make me feel
That you don’t have to be ‘a runner’ to run
How expensive it can be
That it doesn’t have to hurt!
How important proper well fitted (usually expensive) running shoes are but now know they are worth every penny!!
How addictive it can be
The headspace and mindfulness it would bring, that I never knew I needed; and some fab friends along the way
That it can make you feel better when life gets you down
How elated and happy I would feel after each run, with a little tinge of smugness
That some days running will be hard
How it’s not as bad as it was in my head even though I had run before my head was talking me out of it and loving it again now!
That it’s ok to start in your 50’s, you’re not too old to join in and have fun as well as get fit
how much money I’d spend on running clothes?
It could be so much fun running as part of a team, should have started years ago
Rest days are an important part of the training plan
How much I would hate NOT being able to run
Comparison is the thief of joy
Running rewards patience, success doesn’t happen overnight or even in a year, it’s a journey with highs and lows