The Imaginary Audience
Be honest, have you ever “fudged” the numbers, faked a running post, or elaborated your times on Strava/social media? Have you ever heard yourself embellishing and inflating your past PB’s as you recount with vigour the slightly reworked narrative of the runner you used to be, still are or the runner you are becoming.
Maybe you’ve found yourself making excuses for a recent “slow” run as though the time your ran is somehow SO beneath you. And whilst I’m asking for some candour, to what extent have you made yourself appear better, faster, greater than? Have you lied about a time and distance, cut a corner in a race, paused your Garmin to recover/have a cup of tea but on Strava the discretion was due to watch malfunction? Does the pressure of being “seen” as good enough influence your usual values and integrity?