Running slower will not make you a slower runner.
Why do runners find it so hard to slow down their runs and run “at an easy effort?” Is there a running myth that running slowly will make you a “slow runner?” Is it because we have constantly or continue to be shouted at to run faster/keep up/if you stopped talking you could run faster. Or are apps like Strava creating obsessive behaviours that are having an impact on how we train?
I wanted to explore the barriers and the reasons why some runners find it so hard being able to run easy, it was having an impact on me when I looked at Strava data seeing training session after training session being run at a pace that was too fast for the goal that had been discussed between runner and coach. I had to dig deep about why I kept repeating “slow your runs down”. Did I not want my runners to improve, was my coaching ethos preventing them from progressing?
Own it, run at your easy effort because easy effort will be different for everyone, this zone changes depending on what’s going on in your life. Staying in your true easy zone on easy runs is essential as a runner so you can continue to improve your running performance, easy runs should be easy and hard runs should be hard, every training session on a plan is part of the overall bigger jigsaw, all the pieces should fit if you follow the plan.