Now you are a Runner
What do you need to know now you are a runner? These are just a few of my thoughts.
It starts with your head, well your brain really, which is one of the most powerful tools that you have and learning to use it to your advantage will help you become a lifelong runner. You don’t know what your limits are yet, you’ve only just started out on your journey, so don’t limit yourself. Our brains like habits and that inner voice that throws doubt at your door will quieten as running regularly turns into a regular habit.
If you run then you are a runner, forget the picture you have in your mind of what a runner should be – most of the time we can’t live up to this image because this imagined runner runs a certain distance at a certain speed and runs so many miles per week…… and because we can’t live up to these expectations, we give up. Start with what you’ve got and where you are right now.
You will progress, it just doesn’t happen overnight, however the joy and satisfaction that comes from seeing your progress unfold as you achieve things that you never thought you would be quite frankly magical!
Run what you can today, it’s as simple as that! Please don’t look back at where you used to be or sideways at someone else; just be you.
Run consistently – this is the secret, simple yet at times so hard, ingredient for success.
Run long at least once a week; just one run longer that your normal miles every 10 days or so will help you improve.
Relax – your mind and body will find a natural rhythm, forget where your foot should land, heel strike or tippy toe runner, it doesn’t matter. Just run with the body that you have right now.
See what works – write it down in a running diary, how did you feel, what else was going on in your life, was the run hard or easy, did you feel you could run forever, or you were running through treacle. Then look back every now and again and see if you can spot any patterns in your running that match up with what’s going on elsewhere in your life.
Keep an eye on your mental health, there is a fine line between striving for success and protecting your mental health. If you put too much pressure on yourself running will become another stressor and not a stress release. And it’s back to the brain again, prioritise your mental health alongside your physical health to keep a healthy balance of progress and enjoyment.