Welcome to Week 3


Re-writing Your Story

It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or an experienced runner if you have a belief system that internally portrays a negative story about who you are and what your identity is then this can be a limiting factor impacting your progress any further.

Let’s relate this to running, your story may be that you can’t run, that you are too old to exercise, haven’t got the right body, too busy, you’re too tired, your gym kit needs washing, or you haven’t got a gym kit or the latest gear, you don’t want to be seen running in public, you’re not confident enough to run with an “established” group of runners, the group is too fast/slow for you, you can’t keep up, you’ll get left behind; you get the picture.

But you can re-write your story - here’s a rough guide.

Step 1 - Download the resources below to help prompt/guide you on how to to re-write your story.

Step 2 - What do you want? Really think about what it is that you want to achieve, this is your journey so try and spend some time on this.

Step 3 - What do you need to do, what action (*mission-critical) do you need to take, and that needs to be repeated in order to achieve your goal?

*Mission-critical actions are the steps that are essential to achieving your goal that are so fundamental that if they are not completed then your goal may not be successful, think of them as your non-negotiable priorities.

Step 4 - What skills do you need? Will you need to ask for help from your employer, your family so that you are able to get to running group on time? Will you need to learn to say no to people so that you put yourself first?

Step 5 - What story will you tell yourself? What does your new story look like? Are you happier, healthier, running parkrun each week?

Key Resources for Week 3 - Changing Your Story Worksheets

  • Download Changing Your Story Worksheet here

    This worksheet is a quick and simple guide highlighting the key points on how to change your story to find your goals.

  • How does physical activity impact your psychological well-being?

    Running is associated with various mental health benefits, including improved self-esteem, reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety, and enhanced overall mental health. ​

    Additionally, running can serve as a self-help tool to cope with stress and improve emotional regulation, contributing to better mental health outcomes.


 Week 3 Homework



Warm up by walking briskly to increase the heart rate.


Head out of the front door and run for 60 secs, walk for 60 secs. Build up to running for 2 mins with 60 secs walk breaks.


Repeat the run/walk for a total of 30 minutes. Try not to look at your watch, slow down and walk just when you want to.

 That’s Week 3 complete, I’ll see you next week!