

Dead Lifts


Side Planks





Lunges 〰️ Dead Lifts 〰️ Side Planks 〰️ Strong 〰️ Squats

Online Strength & Conditioning


RunVerity & Peak Studio

Adding strength and conditioning into your training plan is beneficial for enhancing your performance as well as preventing injuries. By working on strengthening these key muscle groups you can help to correct any muscle imbalances and weaknesses, which could contribute to overuse injuries such as IT band syndrome, shin splints and plantar fasciitis.

In addition to injury prevention, strength and conditioning exercises can also improve power, speed, and agility, by developing strength and power through exercises detailed below so if you are unable to attend any of the 4 RunVerity exclusive sessions at Peak Studios, I have chosen a few examples of some key movements that will support you with your training plan.

Glute bridge with chest press

Hollow hold with chest press & tricep extension

Split squat with overhead press

Negative press up with kneeling press

Single leg bridge with chest press

Single leg RDL with row

Split kneel overhead press & split squat